Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Lauren's list of joy..

i figured the world needs more joy so in no particular order here are 10 things that make my world awesome .... 

1, Jesus / church / the people in my church

ever since i started going to church i have met some of the most caring and loving people of all time. Jesus died for me so i think he qualified for the list of joy , don't you ?

2, ts sisters 

you girls rock and i always walk away from seeing you guys feeling epic ! 

3, grey's anatomy / private practice 

because they are awesome and i can quote 90 % of any script for either show. the fact that pp is ending this season officially sucks 

4, chocolate / haribo 

there both yummy . enough said

5 harry potter 

whats not to love about being able to pretend your running round a huge castle playing with dragons and beating up bad wizards for your entire childhood

6 one tree hill


this is my total guilty pleasure. rainy Sunday afternoons in between church  an ko (evening church service) is spent watching re runs of this. such a shame this ended. but i have to say brooks one liners give mine a run for there money :D

7. smiling

in the words of the legendary buddie the elf "i just love to smile, smiling's my Favorite" 

8 , siblings 


in both the biological and non biological sense of the word 

9 ,  my internship

i don't think i could love what im doing with my life any more if i tried my job is the thing i love doing most and i don't think i could ask for more  

10, Christmas

films , family , food , fun ... fantastic (i overdid it with the letter f didn't i ?) i love Christmas everyone is happy. there is some kind of fizz in the air that you don't get any other time of year so it makes the list of joy. 

lots of love


Friday, 23 November 2012

the hospital managed to scare me , this is a rare occurence

if you have been following my blog you will know that i suffer from something called turners syndrome .the health issues that come with that mean i spend around 3 hours a week (yes i averaged that out over the course of a year, because im sad and had time to go through last years diary) . and when i was in dialysis and ended up staying in alot it worked out around 12 hours a week.

even though i am used to hospitals i panicked yesterday when my Dr looked into my eyes pulled his "im concerned" face and called in no less than 3 consultants because he though he saw a reflex that would indicate i have the early signs of muscle wastage      

thank god Dr c turned out to be wrong i don't have muscle wastage i have a condition called hemispheric asymmetry which basically means one side of my scull is bigger than the other
lets face it if my muscles where wasting i wouldn't be able to do this

and anyone who knows me knows im not giving that up any time soon 

lots of love

Saturday, 17 November 2012

what about your mum ?

the title of this post is a question i get alot, especially from people that haven't seen me in a while. my response is always the same ....

"you probably know more than i do"
OK i haven't had a full conversation with my biological mother in almost 7 years, but im not without strong female influence. I have so many people in my life that show me what it is to stand tall (well as tall as a woman with ts can lol) and be proud of who i am. all of these woman give me something different and i wouldn't be half the woman i am today if it wasn't for each and every one of them.

thanks for helping me be fun loving like this


smile like this

and have friends like this

you amazing lady's know who you are
so what about my mum?
ide say there awesome , and i wouldn't have it any other way
lots of love

Sunday, 11 November 2012

lest we forget

so as most of you will know , today is rememberence Sunday ,where we remember the sacrifice of our troops . 
im very lucky to have been able to go to France and see some of the battle fields, The Somme and Vimmy ridge in particular. this gives me a whole different perspective on just how devastating world war 1 was. it was a truly harrowing experience to see rows of people who died for my freedom way before even my parents where born. it truly ingrained in my heart just how true this quote is

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." - john 15:13 


i think the quote and picture sum up how i feel today but i will leave you with a poem that i find truly beautiful

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

lots of love 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

light fantastic.

im guessing your thinking something like "light... what " right about now.
i will explain 

so light fantastic is a party we have for the children at church every year instead of Halloween  and its much more fun than knocking on random strangers doors anyway.

so i was a helper this year ,here are some pictures of our night (sorry if the pictures are poor quality , i had to take them on my phone.)

so may lights and cool things to look at , i must say i was even impressed by the amount of effort that went into this 

hay Louise  

the kids seamed to have an awesome time , so i think that's mission completed 

lots of love