so , if you have been reading my blog for a while you will know that i am adopted.
and you will also know I LOVE IT
so i thought i would just write a blog to clarify a few things
adoption IS ..
Christ like..
i don't think there is a more perfect analogy for Gods love than adoption. He dose all the leg work before you even meet him. he loves you with his whole heart when when your still not sure how to handle acceptance.comes running towards you the second you turn to face him. and make you his own. o and if your still in doubt
" he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will" Ephesians 1.5
just a few of the misconceptions
.don't you have to be infertile to adopt ?
nope.!!! but many people who cant have kids chose adoption to start a family
.so there not your "real " parents?
if by real you mean biological , then no. there not. but that doesn't make your parents any more "real" than mine
.awww poor you. im sorry.if i was your parent i would have loved you?
ok so my bio mum kinda sucked but , alot of my friends who are also adopted are lucky enough to be loved wholeheartedly by 2 sets of parents, in fact. i think open adoption is one of the most selfless acts on this planet.
a second chance
im not going to go fully into it hear as it has its own blog post but my testimony is basically an adoption on 2 levels
the human one
the god one
being adopted literally saved me. and im not just talking about getting out of the foster system here
i went from scared little kid

to ,well .... this

and last of all
ineradicable and worth it
adoption is part of who i am. and is something i will be forever grateful for. yes its messy yes there are bound to be bumps along the way and tears on many occasions from everyone involved. love is best spelled S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E and faith is best spelled R.I.S.K
and again i cant think of a better demonstration of that than adoption

lots of love
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