so yesterday i had a conversation with a friend
a friend who is further along in life than i am and has made her share of mistakes
but hears the thing, she saw me headed in the same direction she was at my age and decided she wasn't about to let that happen
now as much as i love blogging and letting you guys be a part of my life. i am keeping the details of this one under wraps but..i felt you guys should know that having someone that gives enough of a crap about you to piss you off with some home truths from time to time is so important so i am blogging around the edges for you..
see told you i love you guys
being a good friend isn't about being there to make the person lath or have a good time ... although that's part of it
its about helping each other grow as people and as followers of Jesus (if your christian)
so , yes i needed the girl talk yesterday but hell no i didn't want it
and i think that's the difference
a true friend gives what there friend needs , not what they want ..
lots of love
Love you. You're so right xx