this weekend was awesome
i spent the weekend at a place called malshanger house
its a big Victorian manner that is used but H.T.B and other christian organisations to give youth leaders a retreat

see its beautiful

we went for a walk and watched the sunrise (well some of us)

love these people <3

we also had some bible study
on the Saturday night we had a party. we dressed up and had a fancy dinner

it was just the most amazing time hanging out with my uni friends .and a great way to kick of Christmas celebrations
back down the m25 towards reality and a shambolic attempt to catch up on sleep later ...
was our last day at uni
the arch bishop of Canterbury spoke to us about his vision for the church of England and how we all have a part to play in that.
we also got to ask him questions

some of the best bits of the hash tag ..
“Say yes to God, and you’ll normally hear him through your bishop. Put that in your pipe and smoke it" @ABCJustin. #joker #smc0212
Research, Relationship, Relief, Risk, Reconciliation, Resource #smc0212
#smc0212 "measuring things in God's time is much more important than measuring things on our time...and that can take a long time"
"Let the institution die and God will give it life." ++Justin #smc0212
"@mattchp29: "Anglicans do bridge building because we are both catholic and reform. We are naturally in the middle." - @ABCJustin #smc0212"
and yes these are all direct quotes from the archbishop ... the guy is a freaking legend
we also had a book shining from the dean of my uni..
which a fellow student hijacked

we also ended the term with a trip to the pub :D
lots of love
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