(this post is one ive been working on since two of my good friends decided there weren't enough reasons for them to stick around anymore with in the space of a week. sadly this post comes to late for them but i hope someone somewhere reads this and realises that there are infact over 50 reasons for them to keep going.)
dear friend ,
i know right now you think it doesn't get better , i promise it dose. but in the mean time here are 50 reasons i hope you stick around
1) your not done yet
with life , with friends, with family .. trust me there is so much this world needs you for.
2)your family/friends
i bet you can think of at least 5 people whose world will never be the same without you in it and who would give anything for you not to feel this way right now
3) " you don't want a permanent solution to a temporary problem" - hannah hart
not my quote but i wish it was. everything is temporary the way your feeling , the problem your faceing it will all pass at some point and im sure you want to be around to see that.
my friend , do you want to leave a world where mistrals exist .. come on
5) kid president
this little dude restores my faith in humanity with every video he makes.
6) laughing
at some point , your gonna laugh , like really laugh so much it hurts your ribs. think back to the last time that happened to you
7) grace helbig.
shes hysterical

8) your wedding day ..
someday your going to meet the guy/girl of your dreams and your gonna do the whole wedding thing. again , another thing to look forward to
someday your going to meet the guy/girl of your dreams and your gonna do the whole wedding thing. again , another thing to look forward to
9) kids
the logical order of things once your married. kids right ?. that tiny human needs you and will look up to you in ways you cant even imagine right now. but thats never going to happen if you don't keep putting one foot in front of the other and get through this right now
the logical order of things once your married. kids right ?. that tiny human needs you and will look up to you in ways you cant even imagine right now. but thats never going to happen if you don't keep putting one foot in front of the other and get through this right now
10) graduation.
if you haven't graduated high school / collage / uni yet just think about how far into your course you are and how much work you have put into it. now just imagine the sense of accomplishment you will feel when you get that certificate. if you already graduated , you did it . see you can acomplish stuff look how far you have come
11) your pets
if you haven't graduated high school / collage / uni yet just think about how far into your course you are and how much work you have put into it. now just imagine the sense of accomplishment you will feel when you get that certificate. if you already graduated , you did it . see you can acomplish stuff look how far you have come
11) your pets

12) quitting now would be letting it win
and your rocky freaking bowboa dude . you cant lose . your a winner
13) pizza hut
we live in a world where you press a button and people give you pizza . you can littraly even stay in your pjs and get pizza

14) sunsets .. (i know its cheesy but look ..)

15) netflix
this is pretty self explanatory. but combined with nubers 4 ,13 or 16 .. possibly even number 11 if there in a cuddly mood. you will see why it made the list
16) ice cream

any flavour you want . as much as you can handle.
17) great british bake off
even if you just watch it for the innuendoes , its brilliant
18) christmas and thanksgiving (if your from the other side of the atlantic)
so so many great things about the holidays. pick your personal fave
19) proving someone wrong
that moment when you get to sit there and watch someone eat humble pie
20) that moment when you first realise you have a crush ..
in instantly revert to a clumsy giggling bag of hormones. we've all been there and its awesome and adorable to watch from the outside as well
21) that other feeling when you finally get to kiss them
even better than realising you like them .. if you haven't experienced this yet. trust me its worth sticking around for
22) watching a baby try lemon for the first time
random , funny. you should youtube it
23) that one bare that waves at people ..
24) that one awesome dude that does brilliant parodies
25) greys anatomy got good again
greys anatomy has become worth watching again .
26) viral youtube videos ..
you never know when the next funny youtube vid will be out.
27) this kids reaction to going to disney
28 ) come to think of it , DISNEY.

how that isn't on the list yet i don't know.
29 ) the fosters

30) there are still good people in the world
you just got to find them
31) high school is just 5 years out of a whole lifetime
and if you stick around thats an average of 90 years .. think about it
32) your not doing the world a favour by leaving
right now you might feel like you're doing it for everyone else's benefit. that is not the truth
33) that moment when your crush/ significant other looks at you like your the only person in the whole world
another one worth waiting for if you dont know what im talking about
34) cheeseburgers

because calories are yummy
35) this does not eliminate the chance of life getting worse it just stops it being able to get better
very true statement
36) the world can't afford to lose you and robin williams. it just cant

37) hot chocolate

38) friends reruns

even a possible reunion movie !
39) the harry potter series

40) hollidays
think of the last holiday you went on where you could chill out on a beach or whatever you get up to on holiday
41) sarah milligan
42) russell howard
43) this

45) i for one would love to here the rest of your message

46) lilo and stitch

47) this quote from walt disney

48 ) the fact that i still think about these two every day

just incase you still dont think you would be missed
49) it truly does get better
50) ive been there

and i promise its worth battling through
lots of love
and your rocky freaking bowboa dude . you cant lose . your a winner
13) pizza hut
we live in a world where you press a button and people give you pizza . you can littraly even stay in your pjs and get pizza
14) sunsets .. (i know its cheesy but look ..)
15) netflix
this is pretty self explanatory. but combined with nubers 4 ,13 or 16 .. possibly even number 11 if there in a cuddly mood. you will see why it made the list
16) ice cream
any flavour you want . as much as you can handle.
17) great british bake off
even if you just watch it for the innuendoes , its brilliant
18) christmas and thanksgiving (if your from the other side of the atlantic)
so so many great things about the holidays. pick your personal fave
19) proving someone wrong
that moment when you get to sit there and watch someone eat humble pie
20) that moment when you first realise you have a crush ..
in instantly revert to a clumsy giggling bag of hormones. we've all been there and its awesome and adorable to watch from the outside as well
21) that other feeling when you finally get to kiss them
even better than realising you like them .. if you haven't experienced this yet. trust me its worth sticking around for
22) watching a baby try lemon for the first time
random , funny. you should youtube it
23) that one bare that waves at people ..
24) that one awesome dude that does brilliant parodies
25) greys anatomy got good again
greys anatomy has become worth watching again .
26) viral youtube videos ..
you never know when the next funny youtube vid will be out.
27) this kids reaction to going to disney
28 ) come to think of it , DISNEY.
how that isn't on the list yet i don't know.
29 ) the fosters
30) there are still good people in the world
you just got to find them
31) high school is just 5 years out of a whole lifetime
and if you stick around thats an average of 90 years .. think about it
32) your not doing the world a favour by leaving
right now you might feel like you're doing it for everyone else's benefit. that is not the truth
33) that moment when your crush/ significant other looks at you like your the only person in the whole world
another one worth waiting for if you dont know what im talking about
34) cheeseburgers
because calories are yummy
35) this does not eliminate the chance of life getting worse it just stops it being able to get better
very true statement
36) the world can't afford to lose you and robin williams. it just cant

37) hot chocolate
38) friends reruns
even a possible reunion movie !
39) the harry potter series
40) hollidays
think of the last holiday you went on where you could chill out on a beach or whatever you get up to on holiday
41) sarah milligan

42) russell howard

43) this

45) i for one would love to here the rest of your message

46) lilo and stitch

47) this quote from walt disney

48 ) the fact that i still think about these two every day

just incase you still dont think you would be missed
49) it truly does get better
50) ive been there

and i promise its worth battling through
lots of love
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