So the last few weeks have seen some pretty significant changes around here.
First and foremost the weather has become desidedly good for one of England's best know games. Dodge the downpour. Yes autumn is here and it has brought with it a butt load of rain. But we don't mind because for all Saint mellitus students that means that retreat weekend is just around the corner #exitment
I also don't think I've blogged about the new addition to the family. He's called Leo. He's a 6 month old rescue kitten and he is the definition of a good snuggle buddy. Early winter mornings are going to be way harder to handle now that I have to desterb this little guy to
O yheeeer there is one other thing .. I'm changing jobs !
Like how I threw you off the scent there ?
So you may have detected a hint of uneasiness about my work las time I posted about it. The truth is I have had a niggaling feeling I'm not where God wants me to be for a while now. It's not the people , it's certinly not the youth ..
It's a god thing
I tryed to block it out for ages but when I finnaly gave in and looked for a new job. My new placement fell into my lap
I will be shadowing the Chaplin at the evangalina children's hospital at guys and St Thomases hospital
I am so exited to start this new chapter in my life and can't wait to tell you guys about it
Lots of love
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