Tuesday, 1 January 2013

a letter to a 13 year old me

hiya lolz , so not going to grate for you right now are they ? ...
nope , i didn't think so 

well this is a letter from you 6 years in the future (very Dr who, haha) to tell you that its gonna be alright. now i have a sneaking feeling that your thinking , o screw you future me. for right now it sucks like a grate big suckish thing and its NEVER gonna get better, well my younger self you would be wrong. it dose get better. much better in fact than you ever dreamed possible.

so as you know mums gone A.W.O.L again right ?. but it feels different this time dosent it, sadly, that's because it is. shes not coming back. But you get through it, and you amaze yourself with the strength you never though you had *hi 5 through time/space continuum* (again very Dr who) 

so you got a bit if crap to go through yet. missing your brother (say hi to little alf for me what is he right now like , 7) moving to your nanny's and feeling like a total burden on the word (that one takes some getting over, but we get there. keep reading).and now your thinking. you have basically told me that life has more rubbish in store (but jam you dodgers my friend because hears the cool bit. this next paragraph is going to blow your little mind) 

in about 2 years, your gonna have a phone call with tash (mind still unblown i hear you say in the words of Barney Stinson wait fooooooor it .... *your still yet to know the joys of himym so don't worry if you don't get this reference* ) and your going to somehow get coeased into a church. your gonna put one up one hell of a fight about it (like only we can ey ???) but on this rare occasion we lose. be happy about this because (make sure your sitting down because hear comes the mind blown bit ......

you meet Jesus

i know right now you think church is a nice way to stop old crusty people being lonely on Sunday mornings but you will literary be speechless (yes it dose happen eventually lol) when some random guy with a brightly colored Mohawk called tom tells you "its not your fault" (cue that ugly crying thing we do *yes your still and ugly cryer in 6 years soz buckets :/ im working on it* ) and you realize Jesus isent some floating guy up in the sky but right there next to you. he is there with you right now you just cant feel it because your to bloody suborn to look and think you can take the world on alone (you cant just to let you know)  

o and just and add on that i should mention about 6 months after all of the being saved stuff happens you meet some other people with ts THEY ARE EPIC just to name a few you got Helen who turns out to be an epic big sister/ mother hen figure in your life , heather , kim who is literary like your big sis from up north and then Caroline. aka mom (yes spelt the Canadian way) don't let the bright purple hair fool you. your the bad influence hear (rofl) you literary run out of texts all the time making sure she knows your safe (trust me i know it sounds strange and stalker-ish now but you will grow to panic when your phone dosent flash purple for 24 hours) so to sum up they all rock   

so the kid's in this photo 


there gonna be just fine 

so fine in fact you ending up helping over kids in there position and showing them the love of Christ (there is a sentence you never thought you would hear ha?)

o and sneak preview of you after you done being a holey terror to anyone that attempts to get close to you and cut your hair off *gulp* don't worry it suits you see ...    

o and look you end up with more than one friend and everything ...

so long story short , hang in there because boys are going to be frustrating your gonna have cat fights and do all of though normal teenage things like you always kinda wanted to be able to and it is all going to come good in the end ..

November 16th 2010 (the day you get saved) its gonna be cooler than you even imagen it to be i promise

o yer before i go ...you still haven't grown out of that still cant take life seriously because laphing at its more fun thing as you can see from pictures 

well im gonna go get 2013 (yes 2013 already) to a good start i have a feeling that this year life could get even better for us so im going to go give it all i got and report back soon 

lots of love 


  1. Aw this made me all tearful sweetheart! What a beautiful blog entry. I wish I could go back 5 years and tell myself it's all going to be ok too - 5 years ago I was going through stuff too... Love you so much my darling girl. Want to give you a biiig hug right now xxx

  2. Seriously! This was amazing! I love the genius of your writing!!!!
