as most of you will know i am a youth pastor in a rather large church in the south eastern border of London and Essex.
i love my job ! but it has a tendency to make you realize just how much hurt there is in this world.
i have people open their heart to me on an almost daily basis and i have always wanted to be able to "fix" the kids i work with and my friends
but recently i have been feeling powerless. like throwing a beached starfish back into the sea, you will save that starfish but there are just to many to save them all. some , inevitably, will slip through my net. and that's ok ...because i am human. i am not a super hero. i am just someone trying to follow Jesus and leave the world a brighter place than when i entered.
the good thing about this is that even though some of the guys in my congregation and community may slip through my net, i know that god wont let them slip through his. saving people is not my responsibility , its his. i am just privileged to be a part of this from time to time because god loves me enough to work through me.
you see , the thing about being a youth pastor is that i get to have the best seat in the house. when you get to stand at the front of church and watch people that you know and love encounter Jesus in there life's ... there is literally no feeling like it. i wonder if the disciples felt the same when they where watching Jesus in his earthly ministry. having a front row seat to the miricals would have been fantastic.
anyway. i digress. what i guess i am trying to say is this. i cant save them all, i don't have the power. but i know my god dose. and when i am feeling like its all useless and like i am not getting anywhere in my ministry. i am going to ask myself one question.
"whose ministry is it anyway"
because if its my ministry then i am doing it wrong and ultimately setting myself up to fail. because that was never my intention behind becoming a youth pastor. its his ministry, and i just get to become small part of his plan ..

all starfish welcome x
lots of love
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