ok so can i shoot strait with you guys for a minuet
i wanna talk about role models. famous people and non famous.
everyone and i mean EVERYONE has an influence on people.
and that means that we all have a responsibility to be a good one. especially if your in the public eye
yer i am talking to you Miley Cyrus ....
you went from the girl in Hannah Montana
to what the heck are you wherein in 0.3 seconds ..

now im not gonna turn this into an anti Cyrus post. in fancy i think shes incredibly talented and absolutely beautiful.
its just sad to see what Hollywood syndrome has done to her.
i think as someone who will inevitably have young girls looking up to her she has a responsibility to show them that dressing provocatively (or not dressing at all as the case may be) and flopping about on a video is not the way they should be living. she is in such a prime position to show girls (and boys for that matter) how to act with dignity and not flaunt themselves
this is a subject i get so passionate about. i am very conches about the way i dress and how much flesh i show. not just for me but for the girls i work with. i want them to see the respect they should have fro themselves reflected in my life.
integrity is a huge part of youth work and i believe with this generation being so connected online and a lot of your life being more public than ever before. young people can spot if your not being genuine a mile off.
so i ask you even if your not in ministry or not famous. what kind of role model are you being to the people around you
lots of love
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