Monday, 25 February 2013

a long awaited update and an overload of cuteness

long time no post !
that's because there hasn't been anything to update you guys with .... until now


i was asked last week to be a bridesmaid for one of my youth leaders /friend/ colleague. and i am very exited about it. i have already been to chose my dress and its amazing. but im afraid there is an embargo on me saying any more than that, so , congratulations Matt and Julia :D (expect a post with lots of picks after august 9th) 


so a run down of my summer

. Canada family coming over
.staying in a hotel at Lego land with said Canadian family (no your never to old
.a wedding
.soul survivor
.starting uni in September

im going to be one busy lady

also , just for cuteness sake  

yesterday i was talking to the mum of tow of the most adorable children in my church. and she told me that whilst they where at euro Disney they saw a girl that looks like me. this caused both girls to go running up to the random stranger screaming "LAAAAAAAUREN". of course it wasn't actually me and they subsequently got upset because they wanted to see me. i have never felt more loved and missed ! bless them.  

a couple more cute things ... my siblings <3

lots of love 

Sunday, 17 February 2013

the next step

many people find it hard to take the next step in life. i think there are many reasons for this. for one thing. people don't like leaving things and people behind, but moving forward is always going to mean leaving something behind. its just a fact of life

taking the next step looks different for everyone. for a family from my church, that means moving to Australia.

for me it looks like preaching at much church tonight and being accepted to st militus collage to study youth ministry and theology  

so im going to keep this short and sweet.all the best with your next step whatever that looks like 

lots of love

Friday, 8 February 2013

The "comfort zone"

our "comfort zone's" are deceiving by there very nature.

they look like this place that's safe , satisfying , somewhere to re cooperate after getting as far as you have. Don't get me wrong, its good to take a breath and admire where we are in life from time to time and i believe hats totally what we have comfort zones for. 

The problems begin when we get stuck there , were not on the offensive anymore.this is when we can be outsmarted and get put on the back foot ..

so push forward , climb and have ambition and dreams

because if you don't push forward you will never know quite how far you can get , you just might shock yourself

OK guys watch this .. 

made my point better than i ever could ...

"i don't want you giving up at a certain point when you can do more"

lots of love 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

what next ?

busy couple of weeks for me 

i have been working hard in my internship which i suppose i should update you guys on... i am full steam ahead with getting a team together and working out team packs so that they have some basic information on what there role will be. not as easy as it sounds. best part of my job , of course , is seeing people encounter Jesus -totally worth having no life outside of church ! (just kidding .... kinda)

church socials are fun ...

yum !

Photo: That's a lot of Chinese food! #Church #Jesus #Community

and i went to see les mis .... it was brilliant

now on to the real stuff that this post is about ...
what next ?
my future
for the first time in a long while I feel I can type toughs words without a feeling of dread creeping over me. cool ha
anyway  , I had an interview at St militus collage (its a uni) on Monday the 4th of Feb and it went amazingly. fingures crossed i get in. because you never know this could be exactly what next

and after that ..... who knows  

lots of love