Friday, 28 June 2013

your awesome . own it, dont hide it

this post is for Paula Doucet Throop :)

she writes

Hi Lauren, I'd appreciate it if you could write about social anxiety, fitting in, being yourself and self esteem. Also, if you could write about the role parents can play if helping make the best life possible for their butterflies.

im gonna break that down into 3 sections 1) social anxiety 2) fitting in/ self esteem 3) parental involvement

so , social anxiety is big thing in the ts community and affects a lot of girls and there ability to function in society. and it takes some getting over. when i was younger i experienced it a little but but not nearly to the extent to some of the girls do ..

so hear is a run down of how i got over the anxiety

stand up to the bullies in school - this was the hardest step to realizing that hiding the compleatly crazy, loud mouth, extrovert that is Lauren Malone was pointless. i started lathing with the bullies in school. it compleatly confused them and believe me when i say the stupidity stopped there it didn't follow me to collage because i didn't allow it to. much easier to say in hindsight though 

introduce yourself to one new person a week at least- very hard to do , makes for many moments of embarrassment. but you eventually get the hand of it , and you will find someone you have a lot in common with an make a new friend sooner or later  

don't over think it - just relax remind yourself that if your in a room with a bunch of new people the chances are so is everyone elce. and i can garentie the feel a little uneasy about it to


ok so this is som thing that i think i have briefly touched apon in other posts but i will go in to more detail hear.
i am someone who is not lacking in the self esteem department i know who i am and what i stand for and i am in no means ashamed of it.people have to take me as i am. and people respect me for that , however it dose mean i have the same affect a marmite . you love me or hate me.

I do understand that not everybody has this same self assuredness and this is more prevalent in the ts community.and it makes me sad to think there are people out there that don't see there own value and there worth as a person. so i say to that person

hit it pingu ......

gues what you have the right to feel good about yourself , it's OK not to think your ugly or fat or whatever the hell kinda crap your telling yourself  !

anyway , rant over. that's all well and good me saying that. but how about actually building self esteem

so ... Lauren run down of self esteem tips

1) look in the mirror and say something nice about yourself once a day.
 let me start you off , you have a KILLER taste in blogs :D

2) do whatever it is your best at whenever you get the chance
for me its swimming and mentoring young people ... ive done both already today !

3) tell someone else how awesome they are (self esteem is contagious)
seriously just give it a try, seeing that you made someone smile will make you feel great

4) if somone cant see hoe awesome you are just remember this when you see them next 

5) don't try and be someone else 
your never gonna be as good at being them as you are they are. and in the words of dr seuss

this ties in nicely with the fitting in thing so ...

fitting in , its not the easiest. especially when you look even slightly different to thoughts around you. but there is always somewhere you will fit in so do not change who you are to try and get into the "popular crowd" if they don't like you for who you are they are clearly mr.lightyear is right and clearly they don't deserve your company. find the people who appreciate you and stick with them

pearens are awesome . the great assets at any child's disposal , ever. and sadly it seams that good ones are becoming increasingly hard to come by....

ok my advice to parents.

1)listen when your kids need you.
there will be hard days and  there will be days where your kid feels outcast and down. just be there and listen to them.

2)set an example  
if your walking round beating on yourself and saying how bad you feel about yourself. your kid is going to do the same.

3) be your kids greatest fan 
show your kid haw much you aprisiate them. smiles hugs .. all the silly little things noone bothers to make time for anymore

4) show your kid that they deserve to have self woth and be loved because ......

ok so there you have my "realizing your awesome for dummies" blog post

all bar my biggest tip and that's because this is all encompassing

jesus thinks your awesome , so hang out with him as much as you can 

prayer , the bible worship ... whatever it all screams out how much god thinks your worth. and is the best antidote to poor self esteem i have ever found

lots of love




Thursday, 13 June 2013

i am adopted , get the heck over it ... i have

as some of you will know , i am adopted 

and that will be a bigger deal to a lot of you than it is even to me 

so lets straiten a few things out 

do i miss my biological parents ?

more than i care to admit at times , but . i still see my dad at times and i have seen photos of my mum. i love them for finally deciding to give me a better life. and trust me. it may look different to most parents. but its still love of some description 

was foster care hard to deal with ?

heck yer it was a load of ball, but was it worth it in the end . you betcha. and i got to meet some of the most amazing people on the process   

would you still live with you bio parents if you could ? 

not in a million years , i love my life to much 

is it hard being separated from your brother ?

yes and no . he lives so close and his family are so nice i hardly notice he is gone. but i do miss being able to look after him though.

you mean to say shes adopted and actually ok with it .....
shock horror 

feel free to comment with questions 
lots of love 
(and BOTH her mums (mom, if ya getting canadian about it)) 