Friday, 30 May 2014

Ignorance is NOT always bliss

Those of you that follow me on Facebook will know that I got my most ignorant question yet with regards to my turners syndrome the other day ... 

The thing is I honestly didn't see any malice behind the question

Just curiosity and a misguided google search 

"If your chromosomes are xo dose that meen your a homaphrodite like are you transgender" 

Before everyone starts waving there lbgtq flags at me .. I have nothing , I repeat nothing. Against anybody that is a hermaphrodite or transgender 

But I am not ... 

I think the question points to a bigger problem though .. Why dose the girl asking the question have the ability to pick up such false information 

Everyone is an expert these days , everyone. 

False information to the kind of misguided judgments that I saw yesterday ... Not just about turners syndrome. About practically any condition known to man 

So here is the deal 

Unless you suffer with ts or are a fully qualified endocrinologist 

Do not post your medical opinion online 

Someone whose skin is not as thick as mine might have been upset 

C ya 

Thursday, 29 May 2014

The I word .. Bible edition

So someone in the ts forum asked 

"Can you talk about the bibles view on infertility" 

Yes , yes I can .. So here goes 

For the most part. When the bible talks about infertility. It talks about a woman having a baby she didn't think she could have. Or infertility being overcome in some massive Holy way

The first time we see infertility in the bible is sari (Abrams wife) ... Let's just say she didn't handle it to well 

Hormones + letting your husband sleep with the help = the birth of Ishmael , the founder is Islam 

*slow clap*

way to trust gods plan their folks 

in the end , Gods plan prevails and we end up with Isaac the child god  promised in the first place

So  Issac grows up and gets married to Rebekah ... Boom our second run in with infertility.

This time it's handled way better , and it makes it sound so easy. Isaac prays , Rebekah has twins

There is this whole Esau selling his birthright to Jacob thing later on but that's a whole other thing

(Man , there where a whole bunch of women in the old testament that struggled to get pregnant I'm not even out of genesis yet !)

So .... Jacob. He has 2 wives (because that's how they rolled back then apparently) Leah has no trouble having children , but Rachel. She struggles ... And has what I think is the most real response to this we have seen so far .... She gets PISSED that her sister (o yer Rachel and Leah are sisters ) is having Kids and she can't. And gets super angry to the point where she says to Jacob "get me pregnant or I'm going to die"

you get the point ... the women of the old testaments reactions to infertility covers a wide range  of how women still react today

the bible doesn't shy away from the fact infertility is a though one to deal with

now i cant just write a blog post about what the bible has to say on the subject of infertility without mentioning this

"Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband," says the LORD.Isaiah 54:1

our boy Isaiah knows whats up ... even the bible says you don't have to give birth to be a mum 

hears the deal .. i could be here all day picking apart bible quotes about infertility but the bottom line is this. god says in his word that if he wants to let us have a child the natural way ... aint no thing but a chicken wing , he will make it happen. same goes for adoption. the amount of times Jesus gives a child new parents is spectacular. 

to simplify further

if its his plan for you to have kids , you will. if its not , hes going to be there to help you heal and come to terms with that fact 

hope this helps

ttfn (ta ta for now)
lots of love 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

"happiness is a choice" - shaycarl

one of my favorite quotes is by a you tuber called Shaycarl.

"happiness is a choice"

its that simple. you can choose to take the proverbial lemons life has given you and complain about how sour they are. or you can work your butt off and end up with lemonade.

hears the thing people tend to forget about that expression. turning lemons into lemonade takes work and determination. its not as easy as the saying makes it sound.

i have found this on a personal level recently. their has been so much bad stuff around me. but there has also been a whole lot of good that i have failed to notice. God will never allow us to be surrounded by only bad things. even in our dankest situations their will be pinpricks  of light surrounding you ... you just have to chose  see them

you have to make a dessition every morning to wake up and say. i am not going to let life get me down today. if you do i think you will find that your day that you thought was going to go bad , suddenly doesn't .the power of positive thinking is HUGE.

so in the words of someone much wiser than me

"always look on the bright side of life !"

because here is the thing. are you going to decide to sit there and sulk about how unfair life is ? or are you going to pull your socks up and so something about changing your life.

you cant always change your circumstances but you can always change your outlook on them , or the way you react to that scenario

so i don't buy into that "their is nothing i can do about it , its hopeless" mentality .... of coerce its not ... it just feels that way right now

so to the person who i was talking to this morning and provoked this blog post ...

if you don't like it, change it

sorry for the rant guys

see ya next time