Friday, 29 August 2014

somewhere between a complete mess and complete healing

as it stands today i am three months shy of having been a christian for five years ..

that's just crazy to me.

maby i will talk about this more on the date and have a celebration post on here but the fact that this time five years ago i had stepped into a church once and i only just made it made it through the service without walking out or screaming that it was all so ridiculous astounds me and i will always be grateful for that 

but i still have a long way to go .. don't we all

i still find myself on this learning curve where i have to figure out what god wants for my life.

as you know i have a huge heart for orphans. all orphans but specifically those in UK and eastern Europe 

and irs not hard to see why its orphans gods broken my heart for .. ive been there i know what its like to wonder if anyone even gives a dam 

but after all of the truly awesome god was doing with me at momentum and ss this year ive been thinking

do i even know enough to help these kids 

God and i have been working on this and as usual hes been showing me why im not the one in the driving seat anymore 

i realized noone living is fully who god wants them to be because we are human

and its myy  job to stand there somewhere between a complete mess and complete healing and bridge that gap the best i can

lots of love

Thursday, 28 August 2014

happy and home (an overview of the craziest summer yet)

so guys. i know i have been a horrible blogger recently and haven't been posting , i am sorry. i am going to make it up to you with a super long post now so here you go.

guess who damaged the ligaments in her foot just before going to Canada... this chick. so here is a picture of my and Laura amusing our self whilst 2.5 hours into waiting in a&e 

its almost fully back to normal now thankfully but i was on crutches for some of my holiday

anyway that didn't stop me having a good time and here are some shots from the 3 weeks i spent on the other side of the Atlantic

a quick hop back over the Atlantic and (i kid you not , jet lag be damned) less than 24 hours after leaving Calgary i was in somerset. slight difference in the climate i have to say  !

soul survivor b was such a chance to see the difference in my leadership a year of theological and youth ministry training had made.

honestly i love my job i couldent think of a job i could ever love more but this year has really been full of apathy. not towards my youth but towards ministry in general. like ide kind of become intrenched and unable to bring myself to move forward with anything

but if anything is ever going to give you motivation its seeing this lovely lot

and i think that was the biggest thing (other than sleep deprivation) i got from ssb2014

if i want to serve these guys and execute gods heart for them .. i actually have to get on and do something about it 

OK a couple of days to wash and repack all my stuff and we head back up to somerset for momentum.

this years theme for momentum was the empowered life which of course is just like God considering what ide derided needed to happen whilst i was at ssb..

Jesus was just moving and doing his thing the whole time. and as much as i am exhausted i am so glad that i got to be refreshed in a way no amount of sleep will.

here are some pictures



regular blogging will resume as of now, as always ,

lots of love

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Sometimes you have got to stop talking

I resently have been working on spending some time listening to the Hoely spirit. It's not been easy as   I have said countless times on this blog I am an Extream extrovert which means forcing myself into prossesing internally has been difficult 

Until I realised that you don't have to prosses internally to have quite time , jernaling , blogging and reading the bible are some ways of doing this in an extrovert manner 

The thing it quite time with god isent a solo affaire you are in communication , your communicating with god .. Who is the best listener ever by the way

But he dose also want to talk to you and some times the only way to let that happen is to stop and listen 

Lots of love 

an extremely late guest post

so i have had this post ready to put up for a long time but as you will see in the next couple of posts i have been so busy i haven't had 5 seconds to breath and pt it up.

this is a post from a friend of mine that has turners syndrome i absolutely love this post so i am going to let it speak for itself