Tuesday, 30 September 2014

beyond privileged

so today i was challenged about something

the way i use my money , it genuinely matters to God . and not just a little bit. a whole lot 

in the bible .when the rich young ruler came to jesus and asked what he had to do  to make sure he was doing what God had asked him jesus replys 

"it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the gates of heaven"

so basicly there is not enough room for both you and your moneybags to get to heaven. 

God calls his disciples time and again in the bible to give all their possessions to those who needed it most. and that comment still stands for us today

i may not have had the best or most financially stable childhood but in my teenage years i have been extremely upwardly mobile. i now find myself comfortably in the middle class 

i go to a top west london theological college. i live in a three bedroom semi detached house with plenty of space that of course is filled with gadgets that i love. i reguly get to visit canada  and all sorts of other stuff that are apsoloutly not nessasery but are things I love having 

all this means that i am officially in the top 5% of wealth in the world.and if you have a roof over you head, food to eat and running water in a first world country so are you

what i was challenged about is how much is all of this material possession takes the throne in our heart as the thing we hold on closest to us. Thise of us that are Christians are called to not hold on to our money and to see all of our material possessions as gifts from god to be uesed to futher his kingdom

It's just somthing to consider next time I mone about student finance being a bunch of flipping jobsworths (which they are btw #notbitter) or not havering the latest iPhone

Lots of love


Saturday, 6 September 2014

why *nurotypical* is way overrated

    i wont bore you with the the list of medical conditions ive been labeled with but lets just say its alot

for someone who has to watch their eight year old sister overtake them physically and outstrip them mentally on a regular basis is very easy to look at her and get upset or jealous 

and on occasion , i have ... i know its ridiculous , she's eight 

but , guess what. being normal or "neurotypical" as the doctors like to call it 


and here is why.  
i get to learn valuable lessons about what it means to succeed after almost everyone has said you can't.

 she will never know the satisfaction of getting an email that starts 
"wow , that essay was amazing" after 12 years of working flat out just to scrape a pass

having the sheare joy of looking a dr/teacher in the eye and saying i did it anyway .. have a massive slice of humble pie my friend 

so when you look at it like that i'm not sure i want to be jealous actually, being neurotypical sounds kind of boring 

ps... I love her to pieces

lots of love 