Back again .. Lauren's back ... Tell a friend.
Please say you all sang that to youeselfs .. Great
Hi friends , fellow Christians and the occasional random internet stranger that acsidently stumbles across this blog and is reading it anyway.
You guys ! I've missed blogging.
But life has been compleatly manic
So I've come to the sudden and startling realisation that I haven't blogged since like December .. For my utter lack of being a decent blogger I can only apologise
But uni essays have been kicking my butt. However , there is hope.. Both of the essays that where the main purpotraiters of sucking my time and happiness away from me are now handed in *victory dance*
Confession. It's not just essays that have prevented me from having time to blog
Christmas and new year happened !
So joyux Noel guys. Hope you had a good one. I know I did
My family where over from Canada and having the opportunity to just chill with them was awsome.
And all I can say is .. I'm a spoiled little brat when it comes to Christmas pressents
And all I can say is .. I'm a spoiled little brat when it comes to Christmas pressents
I got to go hang out with a certain famous mouse I'm sure you have all herd of

I also ended up with a chest infection and layringitus to get over once I got beck.
So blogging now resumes !!! Yay
Lots of love
So blogging now resumes !!! Yay
Lots of love