I got some bad news yesterday ..
A friend of mine passed away. You know the one from my last post.
And it HURTS to go through stuff like this .. It always will. That's no great shock to anyone
But one of my other friends looked at me when she realised that I was not only mourning the loss of a friend but Alls trying to get through the fact it's my other friend who sadly passed away last Aprils birthday and said
"How can you still belive in God after all that"
And I felt like I should expand on my awnser a bit and have it as a blog post
So , how on earth can I belive in God when all of this nasty stuff is going on around me
Well there ex are two awnsers to that question.
The first is this. It's times like this when I have to belive in God and hold on to him the most because I promise you .. It's the only way I'm ever gonna get through it.
Secondly. It's in the valleys of life that you learn the most about yourself and the true character of those around you. You realise just how strong you are and the meaning of the word resilience
Although it may not seem like it , God knows what he's doing.
This post is for Amber. Who was quite possibly this blogs biggest fan and told me so on a regular basis.
And for Katie who I miss more and more every day