Tuesday, 1 December 2015

living up to my name , i hope (blogmas day 2)

Lauren Ashleigh Malone  

it means "she has been crowned victorious through Christ"

i hope and pray that i become someone who lives up to my name.

i want to be someone who walks through life knowing they have the victory , that the battle is won 

and its not through anything i did. but through the god who loves me beyond measure. that my very name means i was marked as his child way before i even acknowledged God's existence in my life   

what does your name mean , tell me in the comments

lots of love 

blogmas , more of a candy cane than an olive branch

guys , guys , guys ! 
i am so sorry i have sucked as a blogger recently but i have a candy cane (olive branch) for you 


get hyped people !

i am going to blog every day in December

i am going to be doing lots of awesome things so i think you guys will enjoy following me around throughout this month 

i posted the first one just before this 

you guys if your reading this after however long it has been since i posted i love you like my cat likes stealing all the space on my bed  (a whole dam lot)

lots of love 

six years (and a bit) ago

on the 16th of November 2009 i became a christian 

it was one of the most unexpected and amazing days of my life and alot has changed since that day. 

i am now happier than i have ever been. 

during the coarse of this year i will be graduating st mellitus and leaving my home church to work with young people somewhere else. i don't know where that is or what that looks like yet , and that's terrifying for me. 

the idea of leaving the only church i have ever known and going to live away from of the home i have lived in on and off since the age of 13  is scary and it makes me feel way to much like i have grown up and become an adult (when did that happen , and how the heck do i make it stop) 

but what i love about being able to look back at the last six years is that i have been allowed to make my mistakes , and learn from them. with a whole bunch of people behind me telling me i have the ability to get back up 

this year feels like the first year that safety net id being taken away from me. but thats not true 

i just get to show them now that their investment was worth the while 

lots of love 