Friday, 15 January 2016

This . Just . Got . REAL

For those of you that don't know , I'm in bible collage. But not for much longer. As of today I'm about   4 months shy of graduating the most amazing university I could have ever wound up at. ST MELLITUS.

I've gotten to know some of the nicest and most genuine people I will ever have the privilege of meeting and have actuly learned a little bit of theology (a nice bonus )

But as I start thinking about life post smc it's starting to dawn on me that one day in the not to distant future I will have a massive massive life change to adapt to.

I'm most probebly going to be living in a different house 
Quite possibly in a different country 

Job applications and deadlines are the main things in my life right now and is scary , really scary. But more than that it's exiting and I'm never gonna have this much freedom again. 

Lots of love 