Wednesday, 30 November 2016

adulting level : expert (maby not)

I have now been in coventry almost six months 

things have carried on much the way they started. the youth ministry is in a good rhythm now and things are slowly being introduced or expanded to help the growth of the church i am working feels frustratingly slow at times and i am still finding my feet in many ways (hence why this is my first blog in months)  but i like the fact that the pace is slowly amping up and my days feel more full than they did when i first got here. lots of fun Christmas events coming up that i am looking forward to organising and running 

some VERY good news is that my work has expanded slightly to incorporate some work with a local fresh expressions church with anglican beginnings called urban hope (see , guys ,i haven't completely abandoned my faith roots i promise!!). this feels like a brilliant fit for me and dovetails perfectly with the work i was already as not only dose it means more work hours (thank you Jesus) but their is lots of scope to do collaborative work between my two jobs but I come to urban hope as a bit of an answer to prayer from there side of things . they where given a gift of some initial funding for a youth and children's worker and where praying for the right person to spend it on (double thank you Jesus) there have been more stable and long term funding bids put in for my job role there so please be praying that we get them. 

some of you that have me as a friend on facebook will know i graduated last month. in no small part thanks to you guys support, prayers and encouragement. i was even asked to give a short speech at my graduation ceremony. 

the only slightly bad update i have to bring is that i have to have an operation on my arm in the new year to fix a damaged nerve. but the Dr seams to think its an easy fix and that dose mean that its healing well enough to be operated on so I guess every cloud has a silver lining 

all in all I am starting to feel like maby i can handle this being an adult business after all. i even get letters about pensions and tax and boring stuff like that ... that means i am doing this correctly ? right ?  

I am looking forward to being able to spend some time back in London over Christmas and hope to get to St Luke's at some point during that time to see everyone. 

lots of love 