Wednesday, 24 October 2012

proudest "big sister" ever

im going to brag a bit in the post just fyi
in life , im genraly a "glass half full" kinda girl  
so i like to look at the things my missing x chromosome has made room for
one of the best things has to be the people i have met so here goes ,

Minnie mac 


i could not be prouder of this girl. when i first spoke to her on Skype  she dident talk much. now i get regular catch ups in the life of mac , from the girl herself (not forgetting renditions of whatever nursery rhymes she feels i should hear that day)

and its no wonder she is coming on leaps and bounds. her mum is one of the most awesome parents i will ever meet  
 i love you penny 

ok , so that's my bragging over. hope you enjoy it 
lots of love 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

In loving memory

in the last couple of months i have lost 2 people that where very close to me , both to brain cancer. so i thought i would wake a post in there memory. also to ask that if you can could you donate to cancer resurch uk , or Macmillan who helped both of these peoples passing be as comfortable as possible 
so here goes 

in loving memory of

Mitchell Huth 

this is just a fraction of the pictures and tributes to him 


2005 -2012 <3

Chris Stodart
 who sadly died at home with his family on Friday night x 

lots of love 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Huston we have a mentor , o and a ministry

I have know for a few days now what i wanted to do with my gap year. and the way i wanted to take the ministry i have decided to work on , but its by no means set in stone yet. there is a lot of work to do before i can even think of getting off the ground. but i thought it was time for an announcement to you guys , so , drum roll please ......

pastoral care 

i feel god calling me to go and serve people as Jesus did , with love. what that looks like in terms of my ministry remains to be seen, but its coming together well   

in other news i had my first meeting with my new mentor this morning , shes lovely . and has just retired recently from being head of pastoral care at our church. so i know her knowledge and experience will be invaluable to me throughout this year and beyond   

there is a saying our youth pastor uses alot and i think ive taken it to heart because its becoming the center of my ministry without me even realizing . you can see it here written on my arms at last years soul survivor 
"extream love"
i don't think there should be any other kind 
lots of love 

Monday, 15 October 2012

loud & clear and a check of faith

this weekend , 2 very awesome things happened

1 , loud and clear conference
this was a chance for me and some of my friends who are in the preaching team at church to go and hone are skills as communicators of the gospel (and see Sam bailey , but that's a whole other post. hehe ) . I traveled to Watford for the day ( this involved me getting up stupidly early) and had an awesome time. 


2, (this is the most awesome thing) the church was given a cheque for the sum of £1500 to pay for me and Joel to have new computers in the office 
now i know i spelt cheque wrong in the title , and the reason i did this is because it blew me away that this person felt led by got to invest in 2 teenagers starting a new ministry. someone decided to invest an incredible sum of money ON ME ! and it really kicked me into shape. in a smaller sense this is what Jesus did for me just like the person said "she may not be much now but what if i invest in her, what could she become" . she sees the potential in me. so did god but his cheque didn't say £1500. it said "my only son"      
this was huge food for thought for me 
so to the person who donated that money , i believe you have even started reading this blog 
thank you for investing in me , I hope I do you proud 
lots of love

Friday, 12 October 2012

"oh really"

so yesterday i had what i like to call an "oh really" moment. you know toughs moments when you listen to someone speek and you just think "what an absolute pile of garbage"

a friend of mine who has a daughter with ts had an artical in "chat" one of the weekly glossy's . so another friend of mine decides to read this and ring me up  

whats the problem with that , i hear you cry !

well the problem is the conversation went something like this ...

friend-"that artical in chat , turners , that's what you have right?"
me- "yep , what did you think"
friend- "i think you should do yourself a favor and not bother having kids" 
me-"exsqueeeees me ? , why" 
friend-"lets face it it would be hard for you to get pregnant , and if its a girl it would probable have F***ked up kidneys and hart defects like you"
me- " you do realize the child wouldn't have my biology because i would have an egg doner and even so ts isent hereditary there's every chance a biological child of mine would be fit and well" 
friend-"well im just saying the poor kid would have to deal with having a termanaly ill mother aswell"
friend-"well im just saying it like it is"
me-"o are you now , do tell me more about this "terminal illness" that i have and you don't"
friend-"it just wouldn't be fair on your kid , that's all"
me-" i just suggest you stop talking and hang up the phone please , you ignorant swine"
friend-"fine bie then moody b***h, don't bother asking next time" 

i was in utter shock , at what my friend had just said to me , but the worst thing was is that it was all lies almost every single word. but i have decided to forgive her. because that's who i am . i forgive. even if it feel so much more painful than just cutting all ties.

so , dear friend. the person you called "termanaly ill" yesterday. shes got a heck of a lot of living to do yet


peace out
lots of love

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

failed blog attempt's and summer fun

hi , so this is the second blog im starting. my last one was fine. the only problem is , i forgot my password and couldn't get back into it to post 

so the long awaited second blog entry is finally here , 

disclaimer , there are about a bazillion photos on this blog entry , this is because i had such a blast i didn't want to miss anything out.

i spent most of my summer in Canada , doing all the things i love doing most ...


going for rides in my cousins boat 

being dragged along in a rubber ring

hanging out with the family 

soaking in the hot tub  

 eating LOTS of food

and taking in the scenery


i always have a blast visiting my family , but as hard as it is to sat goodbye  England needs some Lauren in there summer to right ? ...

so i got to sleep off the jet lag for 2 days and the party was promptly restarted 

with this little festival i like to call SOUL SURVIVOR 

this involved , plans to stop our friends getting lost in the crowd



lots of friends 

you know gods involved when its sunny in somerset 

crazy guys in Lycra and a wig

dressing up as wears waldo 

and most importantly , the most awesome part of the whole summer.
WORSHIPING GOD , the dude that made all the other stuff cool 

also , if all that wasn't enough.. i spent all remaining time hanging out with friends  

and playing countless rounds of ninja 

ok phew , im tired just remembering how hectic my summer was, im now getting back into normal life and have started my internship at my church. you should get more regular updates from me now i have restarted my blog and am not off jet setting
lots of love