Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Huston we have a mentor , o and a ministry

I have know for a few days now what i wanted to do with my gap year. and the way i wanted to take the ministry i have decided to work on , but its by no means set in stone yet. there is a lot of work to do before i can even think of getting off the ground. but i thought it was time for an announcement to you guys , so , drum roll please ......

pastoral care 

i feel god calling me to go and serve people as Jesus did , with love. what that looks like in terms of my ministry remains to be seen, but its coming together well   

in other news i had my first meeting with my new mentor this morning , shes lovely . and has just retired recently from being head of pastoral care at our church. so i know her knowledge and experience will be invaluable to me throughout this year and beyond   

there is a saying our youth pastor uses alot and i think ive taken it to heart because its becoming the center of my ministry without me even realizing . you can see it here written on my arms at last years soul survivor 
"extream love"
i don't think there should be any other kind 
lots of love 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, Congratulations on your new ministry. That is so wonderful. May the Lord use you richly. God bless. Theresa Longino
