Friday, 17 July 2015

I CANT .. Yet

I can't 

It's something I see and here far to often.
From people in almost every aspect of my life 
But particularly the ts community 

I just want to look the girls that say that in the forum  dead in the eyes and say 


What your looking for is "I can" or "i can't yet" 

I don't say this to make anyone feel bad or like they are not allowed to struggle with something. Because you are 

But here is the thing.

You can only fail at something if you stop trying 

Yes you can get that job
Yes you can cope with that family situation
Yes you can overcome that medical complication 

Because if I can by some mirical be 2/3 of the way through a degree. You can do whatever it is you want to do to

Stop saying you can't. It's belittling yourself 

Lots of love 

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