Friday 8 February 2013

The "comfort zone"

our "comfort zone's" are deceiving by there very nature.

they look like this place that's safe , satisfying , somewhere to re cooperate after getting as far as you have. Don't get me wrong, its good to take a breath and admire where we are in life from time to time and i believe hats totally what we have comfort zones for. 

The problems begin when we get stuck there , were not on the offensive anymore.this is when we can be outsmarted and get put on the back foot ..

so push forward , climb and have ambition and dreams

because if you don't push forward you will never know quite how far you can get , you just might shock yourself

OK guys watch this .. 

made my point better than i ever could ...

"i don't want you giving up at a certain point when you can do more"

lots of love 

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